UV Lighting HVAC System

HVAC optimization made easy

What is a uv-C lighting hvac system?

Ductwork UV-C Lights or Air Germicidal HVAC lights are meant to kill airborne allergens and pollutants making their way through your return vents. These lights are wired into the system and coordinated with the blower motor, which means they turn on and off with it.

Does it work on covid-19?

UV light does kill coronavirus! According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Vaporous hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, and moist heat are the most promising decontamination methods”.

Helps with Mold

The buildup of the organisms might eventually clog the drain inside your HVAC air handler or furnace. When this happens, AC condensate will eventually leak. This increases the potential for mold and mildew growth and might also cause water damage

Options for your HVAC System

Two types of UV lights are made for sanitizing your heating and air conditioning system. They have various names including purifying lights, germicidal lights, sanitizing lights and sterilization lights.

Additional benifits

Bacteria and fungus cause two additional problems that are eliminated when they are. First, they cause odors including a musty smell that can infiltrate your whole house.

Frequently asked questions

UV lights are part of the solution to keeping your HVAC system and ducts clean and healthy. There are three additional steps you can take.

Keep filters clean or fresh: If your filter is washable, wash it per manufacturer’s instructions. If it is a replacement filter, change it every month if you have pets, you smoke or you live in a dusty environment. Otherwise, it can be changed every six weeks to three months depending on how heavily your HVAC system works. Remember, the filter needs attention during AC seasons too, not just when heating.

Use a high-MERV filter: These filters remove smaller particles from the air, so less debris gets into your HVAC system where it can promote bacteria and fungus growth. If you have an older or cheap furnace, it might not be suitable for a high-MERV filter. Check with your HVAC technician or the furnace owner’s manual.

Seal ductwork properly: Gaps in ducts allow dirt, debris, allergens and other impurities to be pulled into the system. Duct sealing eliminates that. Plus, it prevents wasted heat and AC, so can reduce your HVAC costs by 20% to 30% according to Energy Star.

After the cost of the light or lights you choose, you can expect to spend $45 to $70 per year to pay for the energy they use and for replacement lamps. Is it worth it?

Your health provides the answer. If you and household members do not have breathing issues or allergies and if you’re not experiencing higher-than-normal rates of colds and other viruses, then you probably don’t need germicidal UV lights in your HVAC system.

One of the easiest ways to avoid any sort of skin or eye damage is to make sure that any UV-C light system in consideration includes some sort of reverse occupancy sensor that ensures the fixture will not operate if a person enters a space during a disinfection cycle. The ability of the UV lighting system to use disinfection cycles is also crucial. There are different disinfection cycle lengths for different facility types, spaces, and materials. When used properly, the UV-C system will provide enough germicidal ultraviolet light to ensure that the pathogens are killed, but not enough to cause damage to surfaces or materials.

If you’d like to discuss having your HVAC system cleaned or UV germicidal lights installed, you can get free local estimates here in minutes. You’ll get your questions answered, and if you want estimates for having the work done, they will be provided. There is no cost or obligation to you for using the free service.

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